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The 737 Challenge aims to raise £1million for Marie Curie Cancer Care

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Marie Curie Cancer Care

Marie Curie Cancer Care

Cancer affects each and every one of us, either personally or through someone we know. The sad truth is that 1 in 3 people will suffer from cancer in their lifetime and 1 in 4 of us will die from cancer. Most people with a terminal illness would prefer to spend their final days at home. Sadly, only a quarter currently achieve this wish.

Marie Curie Cancer Care provides hands-on nursing care, totally free, to give terminally ill people the choice of being cared for and dying at home, supported by the people they love. Marie Curie is also the largest provider of hospice beds outside the NHS, providing specialist care to the large number of terminally ill people who wish to be cared for in a hospice setting.

Marie Curie employs more than 2,700 nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals and the charity expects to provide care to around 29,000 terminally ill patients in the community and their 9 hospices throughout Britain this year.

Marie Curie's funding relies heavily on the generous support of thousands of individuals and businesses. The 737 Challenge Trust (Charity No. 1139002) is being run strictly on a not for profit basis, with all profitable income being donated to Marie Curie Cancer Care. The 737 Challenge support team are all working voluntarily, and closely with challenge partners and sponsors to ensure that wherever possible the costs occurred by the challenge are met through sponsorship.

Your kind support of The 737 Challenge Trust would therefore have a significant impact on the lives of many terminally ill people and their families. Richard said;

“Like so many of us, my family has been deeply affected by cancer, and I'm very proud to be raising funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care. I'm sure that at times things will get very tough for me on the challenge. Part of my motivation and strength to carry on moving forward will come from my memories of certain people and family that I've lost, sadly to cancer.”

“My decision to support Marie Curie Cancer Care was an easy and obvious one. I believe that our £1 Million fundraising target is fully justified by the scale and severity of the 737 Challenge. To put it in perspective it cost Marie Curie just £20 to fund an hour’s home nursing care. Your support, whether it be small or large, really will make a difference.”

To support the 737 Challenge please click here.

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